Friday, February 14, 2014

Baby Makes Three...

So I'm now 35 weeks pregnant with Little Miss Margaret, and I could hate myself for not writing about this journey any sooner. In my defense, this year has been crazy. On top of being pregnant, I rushed off the heels of traveling as South Carolina's Teacher of the Year and immediately entered a new job in a new district with new people doing new things. It's been a period of adjustment, and then in late July, we found out we were adding a pregnancy and a new March baby on top of all that!

I'll be honest. I am not good at being pregnant. I have been sick since about eight weeks in and have been nearly impossible to live with. If there was ever a doubt in my mind that Hank was not a good man (there wasn't), then the fact that he has not left my side over the past 35 weeks was all the proof I needed.

In November, we found out that the precious baby (who Hank had nicknamed Cecil) that I was carrying around was indeed a little girl. We would have been thrilled either way that ultrasound went, and I was fairly convinced I was having a boy. I have the blue sleeper gowns purchased the day before the ultrasound to prove it. However, watching Hank transform from my husband into the daddy of a little girl has been magical.